em·prise[ĕm-prīz′] : A chivalrous or daring enterprise or undertaking; an adventure
The word is a lingual descendant of the Anglo-French word emprendre, which means "to undertake."
It became established in the English language around the 13th century, a time period where knights would regularly engage in many brave and chivalrous undertakings...
at least that is how the bards would have described it at the time (it is safe to assume that in reality those enterprises were most likely more grim and gruesome than noble and chivalrous,
but that matters not in this case).
Are you wondering where you are, traveler?
Well, allow me to explain:
emprises.net is a hub for various free web applications for the best hobby in the world - Pen & Paper RPGs
It is a platform created by a nerd for other nerds. That nerd would be me, Stefan Winkler. I am a professional web developer and did set up this platform to be able to host projects created in my free time that are meant to provide useful assistance for the various RPGs that I play.
All of my private projects that are capable of running on their own (i.e. without specific relations to personal and/or character data of party members), will get published here so everybody may use them for their own RPG rounds.
All apps linked on this page are completely free to use and will not collect any personal information about their users or perform other shenanigans.
Needless to say (but I'll say it anyway) is, that free to use does not mean free to copy and mess around with, copyright to all creations applies.
If I decide to make a project open source, that fact will be clearly visible on the related website and if not then it most likely isn't.
But of course that doesn't mean that I'm not open to suggestions for improvements, or to collaborations in general.
Just contact me (contact info can be found on my website that I linked to above) and I will respond at my earliest convenience.
Shadow Emprises is a dice-roller web application for Shadowrun.
The apps purpose is to generate roll results to copy and paste into chats or forum posts in case you're playing online,
but it is also a full-fledged progressive web app, which means that when you visit the site on a mobile device
with a compatible browser, it will ask you if you want to install it to your home screen.
If you confirm that, the website will install itself as a standalone app on your device that also works offline.
The app supports the 3rd and 5th edition rulesets and keeps track of your edge pool in order to determine whether
you are allowed to make "second-chance" and "push-the-limit" rolls.
Just enter the runner name of your character, your max edge, your current edge and a name for your current run
and you're good to go.
Once you're on the main screen, make any preselections that might be neccessary before your roll and then click on
the dice icon that shows the number of the amount of dice you want to roll.
You will then see the result of your roll.
If you're happy with it, you may copy the formatted result text to be able to paste it wherever you need.
If not and you have enough remaining edge available, you may alter your result by spending edge to perform either
a "second chance" or a "push the limit" roll.